Overview:  This module will require you to review your top ten list of cyber safety tips and select the three most important tips.  You will take your tips and begin the process of creating a public service announcement.  You will plan a storyboard and script.  Peer feedback will be required in this planning process.  You will then move forward to create a PSA using one of the following:  Animoto or the iMovie app. 

Goals for Module 2:
Identify safe Internet habits.
Cite online sources.
Write and plan a persuasive public service announcement.

Objectives for Module 2: 
Students will...
Rank and discuss three of the noted tips for safe use of the Internet, including citations for the sources when using the provided storyboard template.
Plan a multi-media persuasive public service announcement using either Animoto or the iMovie app.

Task Checklist:
Tasks 1-3 are to be completed by 3:30 Monday.
Task 4 is to be completed by 3:30 Wednesday.
Task 5-6 is to be completed by 3:30 Friday.

1.  Decide on three tips to illustrate in a public service announcement.
2.  Review one sample PSA.
3.  Read the definition of a PSA on the link provided.
4.  Post your definition of a PSA and the three cyber tips you will use to create your own PSA to the class Edmodo group.
5.  Create a storyboard for your PSA and post a link to the class Edmodo group.
6.  Provide feedback to one classmate on their storyboard using the provided rubric.

  • Review your top ten list of safety tips and select the three tips you believes are the most important.  These tips will be the basis of the public service announcement you will write.
  • View a sample PSA. Read some tips on how to create one below.
  • Check out this collection of awesome PSAs! Pick one from the band running across the top of the screen to view.  Click on it and select play.    Read the definition of a Public Service Announcement at the below link.
  •  Review the expectations for participating in discussions. Post to the following to the class Edmodo group.
    • What is a PSA?
    • Which three cyber tips will you use to create your PSA?
  • You will create a PSA on cyber-safety in module 3.  Your will create the plan for your PSA in module 2.  Review the PSA Rubric.
    • Your PSA must include:
      •   Three tips for safe use of the Internet.
      •  It should only be 30 seconds to 1 minute long.
      • Citations for your information sources and music, if needed. Include your citations on a credits slide at the end of the PSA.
      • Original student photographs, video clips, or illustrations.
      • Audio in the form of music or narration or a combination.
      • Only include your first name on the project title screen.
  • If time is limited, and you do not have access to the iPad or Explain Everything app, your storyboard can be created on paper.  Try this template!    Make sure the storyboard includes the written script in each scene block. In each block provide a visual for the scene.  Hand drawn pictures are fine.  Make sure to include all of the above requirements.  Your hand-drawn storyboard can be turned in using the iPad or computer and Edmodo.  Watch this quick instructional video to learn how.
  • If you have access to an iPad and have the Explain Everything app this will work perfect for your storyboard!  Make sure the storyboard includes the written script in each scene block/ slide. In each block/ scene provide a visual for the scene.  Hand drawn pictures are fine.  Make sure the storyboard includes the written script in each scene. Treat each slide as a scene.  In each slide provide a visual for the scene.  Hand drawn pictures are fine.  Make sure to include all of the above requirements.

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